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Faculty Publications 

Dr. María DeGuzmán 

  • “Four Contemporary Latina/o Writers Ghost the U.S. South” in The Oxford Handbook of the Literature of the U.S. South, ed. Barbara Ladd and Fred Hobson, Oxford University Press. Scholars in Latina/o Studies located in the Southeast or interested in Latina/o cultural production within the region of the Southeast may find this chapter useful in thinking about strategies that Latina/o writers have employed to represent the experiences of Latina/os in the Southeast or in relation to it. (Jan 2016) 
  •  “Haunted by the search for an authentic bond: Testimonial on John Rechy’s City of Night,” in The Textual Outlaw: Reading John Rechy in the 21st Century, ed. Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez and Beth Hernandez-Jason. Alcalá de Henares (Spain): Instituto Franklin-Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. (Fall 2015) 
  • “The Program in Latina/o Studies at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill” for the online journal Mujeres Talk published by the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (Fall 2015) 
  •  “Hemingway in the Dirt of a Blood and Soil Myth,” in Imagining Spain: Hemingway and the Spanish World, ed. Carl P. Eby and Mark Cirino (Kent State University Press, 2015).

Dr. DeGuzmán is currently working on two new book manuscripts, one on Chicano writer John Rechy and another titled The Photographic Thought of Latina/o Literature.

Dr. Oswaldo Estrada

Stephanie Elizondo Griest

  • “Art Against The Wall” in Oxford American (Spring 2015). This essay examines the response of artists to the U.S./Mexico border wall.

Dr. Laura Halperin

  • Intersections of Harm: Narratives of Latina Deviance and Defiance, Rutgers University Press (July 2015). In Intersections of Harm, Halperin examines literary representations of harm inflicted on Latinas’ minds and bodies, and on the places Latinas inhabit, but she also explores how hope can be found amid so much harm. Analyzing contemporary memoirs and novels by Irene Vilar, Loida Maritza Pérez, Ana Castillo, Cristina García, and Julia Alvarez, she argues that the individual harm experienced by Latinas needs to be understood in relation to the collective histories of aggression against their communities. Intersections of Harm is Halperin’s first book and is part of the American Literatures Initiative Series.

Dr. Krista Perreira

  • Spees L,* Perreira KM, Fuligni A. Family Matters:  Promoting the Educational Adaptation of Latino Youth in New and Established Destinations. Journal of Family Issues, In Press (2016).
  • Brietzke MP*, Perreira KM. Stress and Coping: Latino Youth Coming of Age in a New Latino Destination. Journal of Adolescent Research, In Press (2016).
  • Perreira KM, Gotman N., Isasi CR, Arguelles W, Castañeda SF, Daviglus LM, Giachello AL, Gonzalez P,  Penedo FJ, Salgado H, Wassertheil-Smoller S. Mental Health and Exposure to the United States: Key Correlates from the Hispanic Community Health Study of Latinos. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 203(9):670-8 (2015).
  • Perreira KM, Spees L.* Foiled Aspirations:  The Influence of Unauthorized Entry among Latino Immigrant Youth. Population Research and Policy Review, 34:641-664 (2015).
  • Koball H, Capps R, Perreira K., Campetella A, Hooker S, Pedroza J, Monson W, Huerta S. Health and Social Service Needs of U.S. Citizen Children with Detained or Deported Immigrant Parents. Washington, DC: Urban Institute (2015).
  • Capps R, Koball H, Campetella A, Perreira K, Hooker S, Pedroza J. Implications of Immigration Enforcement Activities for The Well-Being of Children in Immigrant Families: A Review of the Literature. Washington, DC: Urban Institute (2015)

Dr. Perreira is teaching a first-year seminar on U.S. Immigration Policy (PLCY 089) this Spring 2016.

Dr. Ariana Vigil

  •  “The End(s) of Representation: Media and Activism in Cherríe Moraga’s Heroes and Saints,”  forthcoming from Aztlán (Spring 2016). dfadf

Dr. Adam Versenyi

  • Versenyi’s collection of ten plays in translation by the contemporary Chilean playwright/director Ramón Griffero will be published by Oberon Books this coming September.  One the plays was published recently: Cups of Wrath translation of Copas de ira (R.Griffero) in Tusaaji: A Translation Review, Vol.3, No. 3, 2014: 120-129.
  • “Ramón Griffero and the Politics of the Dramaturgy of Space” (presentation) at the American Society for Theatre Research annual conference (November 2015).
  • Invited Lecturer at Wake Forest University: “Ramón Griffero and the Politics of the Dramaturgy of Space” (presentation). In conjunction with the talk, Wake Forest also hosted a reading of Versenyi’s translation of Griffero’s The Opera Cleaners.
  • Versenyi was also part of a Theatre Communications Group delegation of US theatre practitioners to the Havana Theatre Festival in Havana, Cuba (November 2015)

Graduate Student Publications 

María J. Durán

  • “Bodies that Should Matter: Chicana/o Farmworkers, Slow Violence, and the Politics of (In)visibility in Cherríe Moraga’s Heroes and Saints,” forthcoming from Aztlán (Spring 2017).