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emilio Taiveaho Pelaez Headshot

Graduate Teaching Fellow
Department of English and Comparative Literature

emilio Taiveaho Peláez is an investigative poet and scholar based in the Piedmont of North Carolina. Their word-work emerges from flesh-eye experiences within the living archive of the North American landscape and seeks to grapple with the colonial legacies that shape this environment—from sidewalks to national parks to the common places of lyric poetry. Their dissertation, “The Mushrooms of Language: The Entangled Poetics of María Sabina, Anne Waldman, & Cecilia Vicuña,” probes experimental poetry and poetics across the Américas in the wake of the “Mimeograph Revolution” of the 1960s in order to map the hemispheric resonances of this literary and artistic exchange.  In recent years, emilio has cultivated a friendship with the Sauratown Mountain Range as a way to return to, explore, connect, and collaborate with the Earth within a time out of joint–by crafting research-based poetry that resonates with the deep time of quartzite and water.

Click here to check out emilio’s Writing in the Social Sciences Unit Assignment, focused on songs affiliated with social movements.