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Headshot of Lindsay Ragle-Miller

Graduate Teaching Fellow
English and Comparative Literature

Lindsay Ragle-Miller is currently a first-year PhD student at the University of North-Carolina at Chapel Hill, who teaches ENGL 105, the introductory composition course. In research, Lindsay is interested in Medieval Studies, particularly through the lenses of Disability Studies and Queer Studies. She earned a BA in English with Teacher’s Certification from Eastern Illinois University in 2009. Even then, Lindsay was interested in Medieval Studies, as one of the first students to earn an interdisciplinary minor in Medieval Studies. She taught high school English and Special Education for six years before returning to college to work on an MA. During Lindsay’s MA at Wayne State University, she continued the study of medieval literature, working closely with the resident medievalist Hilary Fox. Her master’s thesis, “’I Can So Just Sit Here and Cry’: Depression, Melancholy, and Acedia in John Gower’s Confessio Amantis,” explored the connections between mental disability and medical treatment in Confessio Amantis. Lindsay also presented at several conferences, the details of which are available on her CV page. While at Wayne State, she took several classes in early modern literature, focusing on Queer Theory, with Dr. Simone Chess. During two semesters, the class worked together to create “The Woman Warrior Project” website, a digital collection of Diane Dugaw’s thesis that collected and cataloged ballads about Women Warriors in the early modern period.