Graduate Courses
Though our graduate certificate in Latina/o Studies has not yet been approved, the following courses are 50% U.S.-based Latina/o Studies courses at the graduate level.
Communication Studies 660: Advanced Projects in Performance Studies (50% Latina/o content focus for students who wish to bring this focus to their performance studies work). Taught once each semester. Joseph Megel, MFA.
Dramatic Arts 488: Latina/o Theatre and Performance (100% Latina/o content). Dr. Adam Versenyi.
Education 976: Black, Chicana, “Third World” Feminisms in Education (50% Latina/o content). Dr. Claudia G. Cervantes-Soon.
Education 913: Language, Identity, and Power (50% Latina/o content). Dr. Claudia G. Cervantes-Soon.
Education 871: Schooling Experiences of Men of Color (50% Latino focus). Dr. Juan Fernando Carrillo.
Education 776: Gender, Race & Class Issues in Education (50% Latina/o content). Dr. Claudia G. Cervantes-Soon.
Education 769: Latin@s & Education (100% Latina/o focus). Dr. Juan Fernando Carrillo.
ENGL 861: Seminar in Literary and Cultural Theory: Third World Feminisms (50% Latina/o content). Dr. Laura Halperin.
English 864: Graduate seminar in Latina Feminisms (100% Latina/o focus). Dr. Laura Halperin.
English 864: Graduate seminar in Latina/o literary & cultural production and criticism (100% Latina/o content). Dr. María DeGuzmán.
English 685: Literature of the Americas (w75% Latina/o content). Dr. María DeGuzmán.
English 666: Queer Latina/o Literature & Photography (100% Latina/o content). Dr. María DeGuzmán.
Geography 430: Global Migrations, Local Impacts: Urbanization and Migration in the United States (at least 50% Latina/o content). Dr. Nina Martin.
Geography 452: Mobile Geographies: The Political Economy of Migration (at least 50% Latina/o content). Dr. Altha Cravey.
Music 970 Seminar in Ethnomusicology (50% Latina/o content focus). Years 2015 – 2016. Dr. David Garcia.
Music 870 Proseminar in Ethnomusicology (50% Latina/o content focus). Years 2015 – 2016. Dr. David Garcia.
Spanish 742: Poiesis in Spanish America. (50% Latina/o content supplement for those students who need it). Dr. Juan
Carlos Gonzalez-Espitia.
Spanish 835: Illness and Literature in the Hispanic World (50% Latina/o content supplement for those students who need it). Dr. Juan Carlos Gonzalez-Espitia.
Women’s & Sexuality Studies 890: Topics in Women’s and Gender Studies (100% Latina/o content). Dr. Ariana Vigil.