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What are the requirements for the Latina/o Studies minor? 

  • One humanities/fine arts course in Latina/o literatures and cultural production

  • One course in social sciences or Latina/o communities and cultural space

  • Three elective courses chosen from the lists above or from AAAD 260 or DRAM 486.

In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must:

  • take at least nine hours of their minor course requirements at UNC–Chapel Hill
  • earn a minimum of 12 hours of C or better in the minor (some minors require more)

How do I declare the Latina/o Studies minor (code LTNO)?

Schedule an appointment with an advisor or stop in during drop-in hours at Steele building. You and your advisor will complete a major/minor declaration form. Please click here to access the Latina/o Studies Minor Advising Sheet.

You are required to declare a major by the second semester of your sophomore year. If you have not declared a major by the pre-registration period for that semester, you will not be able to register for the following term until you have declared a major.

Can I double minor in Latina/o Studies and another field?

A. Absolutely. Minoring in more than one field is a noble goal. However, make sure when enrolling in courses for the Latina/o Studies minor to remember that more than half of the credit hours and courses used in the minor must be unique to the minor. For example, if also pursuing an English minor, only half or 7.5 of the required 15 credit hours for the Latina/o Studies minor can overlap with courses taken for the English minor. A good rule of thumb is to make sure no two minors overlap by more than two 3-credit courses (6 credits total).

What courses can I take to meet the requirements? 

  • One course from list A (see below) in humanities/fine arts
  • One course from list B (see below) in social sciences
  • Three courses from lists A or B

*A downloadable PDF of the LSP Course List is available here.

AAAD 284 Contemporary Perspectives on the African Diaspora in the Americas
AAAD 340 Diaspora Art and Cultural Politics *
DRAM 288 Theatre for Social Change
DRAM 488 United States Latino/a Theatre
ENGL 164 Introduction to Latina/o Studies H
ENGL 265 Literature and Race, Literature and Ethnicity H*
ENGL 267 Growing Up Latina/o
ENGL 359 Latina Feminisms
ENGL 394 Latinx Dystopic Narratives: Misbehaving Bodies
ENGL 464 Latinx Hybrid Narratives: Experimental Fiction and Film
ENGL 465 Difference, Aesthetics, and Affect H
ENGL 467 Educating Latinas/os: Preparing SLI Mentors
ENGL/WGST 665 Queer Latina/o Literature, Performance, and Visual Art
ENGL/WGST 666 Queer Latina/o Photography and Literature
ENGL/AMST/CMPL 685 Literature of the Americas
ENGL 687 Queer Latinx Environmentalisms
HIST 241 History of Latinos in the United States
HIST 561 The American Colonial Experience
MUSC 147 Introduction to the Music of the Américas
MUSC 258 Musical Movements: Migration, Exile, Diaspora *
REL 151 Religion in Latin America *
RELI 245 Latina/o Religions in the United States-Mexico Borderlands H
SPAN 344 Latin@ American Cultural Topics *
SPAN 389 Outside Cuba: Diasporic Literature and Culture
SPAN 398 Undergraduate Seminar in Literature and Culture *
WGST 211 Introduction to Latina Feminisms: Literature, Theory, and Activism
WGST 233 Introduction to Latina Literature
WGST 465 Gender, (Im)migration, and Labor in Latina Literature
H Honors version available. An honors course fulfills the same requirements as the nonhonors version of that course. Enrollment and GPA restrictions may apply.
* Counts toward the LSP minor sometimes. Check the LSP official course list to verify.

AAAD 278 Black Caribbeans in the United States
AAAD 290 Topics in African, African American, and Diaspora Studies
AAAD 340 Diaspora Art and Cultural Politics
ANTH/FOLK 130 Anthropology of the Caribbean
EDUC 510 Latinx Experience in Education
ENGL 467 Educating Latinas/os: Preparing SLI Mentors
GEOG 56 First-Year Seminar: Local Places in a Globalizing World (first-year students only)
GEOG 259 Society and Environment in Latin America *
GEOG 423 Social Geography
GEOG 457 Rural Latin America: Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources *
GEOG 458 Urban Latin America: Politics, Economy, and Society *
GEOG 542 Neighborhoods and Health
MEJO 443 Latino Media Studies
PLCY 349 Immigration Policy in the 21st Century
WGST 211 Introduction to Latina Feminisms: Literature, Theory, and Activism
WGST 233 Introduction to Latina Literature
WGST 465 Gender, (Im)migration, and Labor in Latina Literature
* Counts toward the LSP minor sometimes. Check the LSP official course list to verify.

Courses that count for either humanities or social sciences: ENGL 267, 364, 467, 666; WMST 211, 465. For specific courses toward the Latina/o Studies minor and their descriptions, please see Courses.

What if there is a course I want to count towards the minor and it is not listed above or not yet approved? 

Please contact Dr. María DeGuzmán and provide the following information:
  • Your PID
  • A list of the minor requirements for the Latina/o Studies Minor that you’ve already fulfilled
  • The name and number of the course you want to count toward the minor
    • The minor requirement you want this course to count for
  • If possible, attach the course syllabus.
  • The year and semester in which you took the course
  • The year and semester listed as the “Requirement Term” (RT) for your LTNO minor in your Tar Heel Tracker (see screen capture below—please note that your RT for the minor may not be the same as your RT for general education requirements, other majors, etc.)

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The Latina/o Studies minor encourages and  supports bilingualism (especially fluency in English & Spanish). However, unlike the Hispanic Studies minor, LTNO requires no specific language requirement. All undergraduate students, including non-Spanish speaking students, can fulfill the LTNO minor.  The minor was approved March 2004 in the College of Arts & Sciences and has been in existence since its inauguration September 2004. Though the minor is ‘‘housed’’ in English & Comparative Literature, students are not required to take an English literature course to complete the minor, though many of the courses for the humanities/fine arts requirement are English literature classes.