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Get involved in your community with the following opportunities and organizations:


El Centro Hispano (ECH)

“El Centro Hispano is a grassroots community-based organization dedicated to strengthening the Hispanic/Latino community and improving the quality of life of Hispanic/Latino residents in Durham, Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and surrounding areas. We accomplishes our mission through service, education and community-organization. We serve more than 11,000 people in our four core programs.”

El Kilombo

El Kilombo is a Durham non-profit community center and bookstore focused primarily on the concerns of communities of color and issues related to globalization. El Kilombo offers free computer classes, child literacy classes, daily Internet use, and a monthly neighborhood assembly. As an entirely volunteer project, the organization is always looking for volunteers who are committed to the center’s ideals and help in maintaining the community space and offered services. Send El Kilombo, an email.

El Pueblo, Inc. 

“El Pueblo’s mission is for Latinos to achieve positive social change by building consciousness, capacity, and community action.” It is a non-profit statewide advocacy and public policy organization located in Raleigh, NC. El Pueblo hosts a cultural festival, “La Fiesta del Pueblo” each September.

Student Action with Farmworkers (SAF)

“SAF is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to bring students and farmworkers together to learn about each other’s lives, share resources and skills, improve conditions for farmworkers, and build diverse coalitions working for social change.  North Carolina ranks sixth in the nation in the number of migrant farmworkers, 94% of whom speak Spanish as their native language.” SAF goals include “linking student groups working with farmworkers in order to share their experiences and ideas, creating internships and other projects that are mutually beneficially for students and farmworkers, and encouraging student commitment to justice and social action.”


Farm Labor Organizing Committee:

National Council of La Raza:

Mujeres Unidas y Activas: