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Headshot of Hannah Gill

Associate Director of The Institute for the Study of the Americas; Director of the Latino Migration Project
The Institute for the Study of the Americas

Hannah Gill is an anthropologist with a specialization in Latin American and Caribbean migration studies. She received a DPhil in Social Anthropology from the University of Oxford, England and a BA from UNC Chapel Hill. She directs the Latino Migration Project at UNC Chapel Hill, a public educational program on Latin American immigration and integration in North Carolina. She is the author of the book, North Carolina and the Latino Migration Experience: New Roots in the Old North State. Nuevas Raíces is a public history initiative that documents North Carolina’s Latin American heritage through oral histories. Click here to listen to more than 200 stories at the bilingual website. To get involved, contact Dr. Gill at

Course: LTAM 402: “Heritage and Migration in North Carolina”