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Headshot of Izzy Howard

Graduate Teaching Fellow
English and Comparative Literature

Izzy Howard (they/them) researches ambiguous and deceptive language in Medieval literature and how this ‘promiscuity’ of meaning can be read as queer. Their readings focus on the textual body and its relation to the physical body: how the textual corpus compares to the physical corpus, and how this relationship between language, text, and body can be queered. Medieval theories of language and rhetoric inform their investigation, alongside structuralist and post-structuralist criticism. Their broader interests include digital humanities, intersectional medievalisms and manuscript studies.

Izzy is grateful that the Latinx studies program welcomes them into conversations on contemporary theories—especially queer discourse—despite the temporal distance between their chosen field and Latinx studies. They appreciate the program’s willingness to explore intersection and aim to extend that spirit in their classroom.